Data analytics & solutions, Mastering Flow, Network & mobility, Supply chain management

"I’m proud of the fact that we were able to design, build and implement a complex tool – with a limited budget – in a very short period. We had a clear MVP in view and improved it in incremental steps."
— Wilko Sierksma, Manager Network Design & Global S&OP
We worked with HEINEKEN to build a Brewery Capacity Model: a cloud-based strategic decision support tool for production capacity, to give updates for the capacity of the world and to manage their investments as optimally as possible.
We are proud that countries all over the world implemented the tool and started using it quickly. We are especially pleased that the co-development approach with the HEINEKEN team was very successful with mutual learning and that the cooperation was smooth, flexible, efficient and fun (like in our other HEINEKEN projects).
Thanks to BCM, Heineken is able to
- better assess when it makes sense to make capacity investments and when they can allocate production to other countries to postpone big investments.
- postpone CAPEX, sometimes millions of euro per year, simply by allocating production capacity in an optimal way.
- better understand when they need to ask production support from other operating companies in order to prevent lost sales.
Heineken is one of the world’s best-known beers. But for HEINEKEN International, the famed lager is only one of its products. The company owns more than 165 breweries around the world. It operates in 70 countries with a workforce of 80,000, producing over 300 specialty beers and ciders at international, regional and local levels.
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