Huub Timmermans travels all over the world on behalf of Districon, but what makes that so interesting? Read it in this ''In the spotlight''.
Who are you?
My name is Huub Timmermans. I started working at Districon 12.5 years ago and I mainly engage in Air Cargo Logistics. Because this is internationally oriented, I travel a lot. The combination between subject matter, nice colleagues and the dynamics of working abroad ensure that I enjoy my work at Districon.. In addition to my work, I am passionate about good food, wine and squash.
My experiences
When I started at Districon, I was mainly engaged in retail and wholesale, especially with customers in the Netherlands and the Benelux. Over time, my interest has shifted to Airports & Air cargo, due to the various challenges, but certainly due to the explicit international character that goes with my study International Business.
I lik to engage with people from other countries and cultures. Outside the Netherlands, 'standard skills' are not always enough, so you must maneuver differently to achieve your goal. In some countries, a meeting always begins half an hour later, other countries are more hierarchical and not everyone appreciates our Dutch soberness and directness. Also, working with domestic and foreign partners and being part of a consortium, make the work more than worthwhile!
In addition, a dinner or extensive lunch abroad is more common. Besides the fact that this is in line with my passions, it is easier to create a personal relationship during such a dinner, which certainly contributes to the success of a project and the long-term relationship with the customer. In short, never a dull moment abroad!
The downside is that you have to switch between the different time zones and that the home front is not always happy with another trip. Fortunately, I have found a workable balance here!
I forsee a nice future for Airports & Air cargo within Districon. The business is global, dynamic, continually developing and offers plenty of opportunities. I'm sure we're going to experience a great time with our amazing team!
Which colleague may be in your next spotlight?
For the next '' in the spotlight '' I would like to nominate Wouter Nering Bögel. Wouter is engaged in innovation and can tell more about it. Wouter, next month you're in the spotlight!