Who are you?
My name is Erik Stienstra and I joined Districon in March 2018. I have a background in Industrial Engineering and Logistics and graduated at the TU in Eindhoven. Before Districon, I used to work at Ab Ovo as business consultant for implementations of Advanced Planning Systems (APS). At Districon, I started working as consultant, being the bridge between the customer and our developers. Nowadays, I am mostly in the role of project/account manager. Currently, I am also leading a team of 6 consultants who are focused on supply chain network and planning projects.
In my free time, I like to spend time with my family and friends. Moreover, I love to play tennis and go cycling. And a good glass of wine is always a pleasure.
My experiences
The work at Districon is very dynamic as our customers are quite diverse; we serve small customers up to huge multinational firms. Moreover, we are active in a lot of different industries.
My focus areas of the last years are mainly related to Network strategy & Optimization and business planning. I love to help our customers by giving them advice on how to move forward. Answers to questions like: What is a good strategy looking at their ambitions? Giving them a roadmap, to go step-by-step to a better performing network and business.
Our solutions and advice are always built on a strong fundament of data and models. This helps them to consider different business scenarios and support the decisions in a fact-based and data-driven manner.
If you like to learn more, please feel free to contact me.
Vision of the future
This century brings enormous challenges as we are reaching the limits of our wealth and growth. Innovative and drastic decisions are needed to keep the planet livable. Recent disruptions like COVID-19, have already shown that Supply Chains are vulnerable. I expect that these disruptions will occur way more often than they used to do.
This will also have huge effect on the Supply Chains, which is already clearly visible today. Sustainability gets more and more attention from decision makers. Its not only a matter of costs/profits & service, but also the impact on nature and society is considered more and more.
Designing and managing a future Supply Chain which is robust and sustainable is a huge challenge. I’m happy that I can contribute by advising our clients dealing with this challenge.
Which colleague will be in the spotlight next?
I nominate Tess Vercammen as one of our newest talents. Looking forward to hear from her first experiences at Districon